Welcome to Public Policy w/Mary Glass & Company

Welcome to Public Policy w/Mary

 Glass & Company

Welcome to the Research and Public Opinions found by Mary Glass, Researcher

This website will constantly provide BREAKING NEWS that speaks to social justice, polling, and public opinions related to the decision-making of elected-appointed-hired-donor-for-hire government representatives.

Public Policy w/Mary Glass & Company is a combination of RESEARCH, DISCOVERY, PUBLIC OPINION (Talk Show/Podcast/Blog/Meetings), and services provided by those in the public square.  

Democracy arises out of the notion that those who are equal in any respect are equal in all respects; because men are equally free, they claim to be absolutely equal.


We are especially interested in addressing the Enduring Concentrated Poverty of Milwaukeeans (those within the city square miles of Milwaukee, 96.80 square miles - Population - 595,351 (2017)), and

TINN – Team Internet-Net Neutrality News and the creation of Broadband in urban and rural southeastern Wisconsin with Milwaukee, Racine, and Beloit.

Lastly, PPw/Mary Glass & Company will regularly call for citizen protest, transparency and accountability from those with Oath; request the third branch of government through class-action suits, and hold ongoing strategic planning events to address EQUITY.


Come back soon!
